Jan 2, 2010

The Last 10 Years

Ten years ago, the year 2000, I stayed up until after midnight New Years Eve watching TV to see the world fall apart because all the world's computers were going to crash.  Darn!! They didn’t, after all those years of hype and preparing for the destruction of our high tech societies.   I had to go to work anyway on the 2 of January. So much for the world coming to an end.

New Years Eve celebrations have been one of those on again off again things for Ginny and I. The ranch has a BIG party every year with members signing up before hand because the seating is limited. Time to play dress-up. Tux and Teddies abound. We did go every year, but it just isn’t that big a deal for us any more. Sometimes we go to a private party at the ranch or just stay home. 2000 was a ‘stay at home’ year. This year was a ‘have some friends over and play cards’ year.

During the last 10 years Ginny almost died several times from cancer, brain bleeds and a pulmonary embolism. That would have about ended my life. I almost died with a burst appendix. Ginny had both her hips replaced. I gained another 50 pounds. Ginny had to quit work and go on Social Security Disability.  I was hired and retired from the Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency after 7 years. Both of us quit smoking. All the cats we move here with, passed on and were replaced by Marty this last year. We have remodeled our unit by replacing the kitchen and redoing the computer room. To celebrate Ginny surviving her stem cell transplant and being cured of her cancer, we went to Cancun for a week. Bought and sold cars, ended with two matched Saturns with the only difference is the color. Got a golf cart and two citrus bushes.

Boy! When I put in down in a few words, it doesn’t seem like much. I never saved the world, discovered the next greatest wonder or found the cure for anything. We were just busy living our lives one day at a time here at the ranch. Luckily we had some help and companionship along the way from our friends and neighbors. Just like textiled people.

The ranch, Laguna Del Sol, has had some changes also. New and improved restaurant, added the conversation spa and enlarged the sunbathing deck around the main pool. A new water polo pool was added between the new restaurant and the lake. A new tennis court was added and the upper pool was resurfaced and a new concrete deck replacing the old one. More trees and lawn areas have been added. Generally a lot of improvements. The membership is larger, but no longer as many families with children as it once was. More yuppies now. The ‘Rawhiders’ were disbanded and now management does all the events.

As we get older, more of the people we have known have passed on to the great reward in the sky or their preferred destination (or NOT). I guess that is better than being the one remembered. That will come in time. Not like we haven’t had our opportunities.

Now, on to the Next 10 years. Unless December 21, 2012 turns out NOT to be a bust like Y2K.

Until next time, may your God keep you safe........

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